Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Target audience (WEEK 5)

Our target audience for our documentary is both female and male due to both sex consume alot of alcohol from statistics, ageing from 12-14, 15-17, 18-21 and 22+, we have chosen such a broad age group due to research showing children aged 12 are drinking in public place such as parks.

Interviewees Profile

Name: Charlie Pycraft
-40 year old
-London Liverpool Street
Occupational status - Freelance Journalist
Organizer of the tube party before the drinking ban was introduced

Questions for Charlie Pycraft

1. What is your opinion on the drinking ban in public and on the transport system?

2. How would you feel if the drinking ban became nationwide?

3. How effective do you think the public drinking ban is?

4. Do you this ban lowered the crimes related to alcohol? (drinking disorderly)5. Do you feel the party on the tube was an
effective protest against the ban and why?

6. If you do not believe in the drinking ban, how would you tackle drunkenness both on the transport system and in public?

Why was he chosen to be in the documentary?
Charlie Pycraft was chosen to be interviewed in our documentary as it was important that we interviewed someone who has a huge involvement to protest the drinking ban. Its essential that we get a clear perspective of why Charlie Pycraft went to the extent to protest the drinking ban by organizing a party on the tube, the last day in which the public was able to drink in a public place. Viewers are able to get a clearer understanding as the information presented by Charlie Pycraft is credible due to the fact that he feels very strong about the drinking ban.

Name: Kim Wheatly
-40 year old
Occupational status - Paramedic for The London Ambulance Service

Questions for Kim Wheatley

1. What is your opinion on the drinking ban in public and on the transport system?
2. How would you feel if the drinking ban became nationwide?

3. How effective do you think the public drinking ban is?
4. Do you think this ban has effectively lowered alcohol related violence both towards yourselves and other members of the public?
5. What percentage of calls that you go out to are alcohol related?
6. If you do not believe in the drinking ban, how would you tackle drunkenness in public?

Why was he chosen to be in the documentary?
Kim Wheatly was chosen to be interviewed in our documentary as he is a paramedic and sees public drinking nearly everyday as incidents are normally alcohol related. It was important that we obtained a perspective from someone who can give us, facts and figures and his personal viewed based up his job role.

Name -Katie Lawrence
-22 year old
Occupational Status - WPC for the London Metropolitan

Questions for Katie Lawrence

1. What is your opinion on the drinking ban in public?
2. How would you feel if the drinking ban became nationwide?
3. How effective do you think the public drinking ban is?
4. Roughly what percentage of your calls are alcohol related?
5. Do you think its fair that everyone should be punished for a small minority of people's actions?
6. If you do not believe in the drinking ban, how would you tackle drunkenness in public?
7. If you do believe in the drinking ban, do you think it could be improved in any way?
8. Do you think the ban has lowered the crimes related to alcohol? (Drunken disorderly)

Why was she chosen to be in the documentary?
WPC Katie Lawrence was chosen to be interviewed in our documentary as she deals with alcohol related incidents every day, it was important we obtained facts and figures as well as whether the Police force are doing anything differently to tackle the people who seem to not care about the ban and drink in public.

Name - Michael Roberts
-20 years old
Occupational Status - Barman

Questions for Michael Robert

1. What is your opinion on the drinking ban in public?
2. How would you feel if the drinking ban became nationwide?
3. How effective do you think the public drinking ban is?
4. How has the drinking ban affected your business and if so, how?

5. Do you think it's fair that everyone should be punished for a small minority of people's actions?
6. If you do not believe in the drinking ban, how would you tackle drunkenness in public?

Why was he chosen to be in the documentary?
Michael Robert was chosen to be interviewed in our documentary as we wanted to investigated the affect that the public drinking ban had towards the pub industry and whether the ban has resulted in more people going to the pubs

Name: Dennis Smith
-55 year old
Occupational status - JP (Justice of the peace)

Questions for Dennis Smith

1. What is your opinion on the drinking ban in public?
2. How would you feel if the drinking ban became nationwide?

3. How effective do you think the public drinking ban is?
4. Has the public drinking ban effected how you give out licence's?
5. If you do not believe in the drinking ban, how would you tackle drunkenness in public?

Why was he chosen to be in the documentary?
Dennis Smith was chosen to be interviewed in our documentary as he is a JP which give out licenses as well as prosecute alcohol related incidents. It was crucial that we obtained his view as his occupational status plays a big role in the licensing.

Name: Chris Hugo
-59 year old
-East London
Occupational status - Drink Connoisseur

Questions for Chris Hugo

1. What is your opinion on the drinking ban in public?
2. How would you feel if the drinking ban became nationwide?

3. How effective do you think the public drinking ban is?
4. Has the public drinking ban effected how you give out licence's?
5. If you do not believe in the drinking ban, how would you tackle drunkenness in public?

Why was he chosen to be in the documentary?
Chris Hugo was chosen to be interviewed in our documentary as he is very interested in drinks and is always testing out drinks. It was important we interviewed him to balance out the arguments for and against.